the Brand Chap
For over 30 years, Adam ‘the Brand Chap’ Thorp has become one of the specialists and thought leaders in all facets of go-to-market development, through to front-line sales and marketing execution.
Organisations of all sizes and sectors seek his expertise to help them define and execute their brand, promise and offering DNA to achieve deep and sustainable results.
Working Within Organisations
Adam is well regarded for his ability to observe multidimensional problems that organisations themselves cannot see, and his invigorating ability to extract and bring clarity makes his contribution invaluable.
Organisations trust Adam for his ability to simplify and pursue audacious goals with confidence while remaining aware of the magnitude of the challenge confronting them and the difficulties and risks in achieving these.
Adam measures himself by his contribution to furthering his client’s objectives and goals. His dedication to his work and craft is a direct result of the extraordinary, remarkable importance he places on goal achievement and ROI.
Having an awareness of actual circumstances also allows Adam to balance the known and unknown and consider a range of potential outcomes.
Motivated by turning business challenges and constraints into tangible strategic outcomes, Adam brings the capability to deliver significant business projects to successful completion, on time, within budget, improving customer satisfaction and consistently achieving performance targets.
Brand & Marketing Advisor
Brand and its inherent link to human emotion is at Adam’s core. He continues to push, challenge, and test theories and strategies in the marketplace, by mixing newer and ever-evolving technologies with seasoned marketing methodology and media.
It is no surprise that Adam is being asked to join the board of organisations as Non-exec Director or Senior Trusted Advisor to strategically help ensure brand strategy oozes through everything they do, both internally and externally.
Alongside Adam’s consultancy, his award-winning agency has worked with large corporations, start-ups, and everything in-between, across the UK, Europe, and beyond.
The agency focuses on delivering a growing suite of products and services explicitly designed to support organisations in their goal to achieve brand savvy growth, sales, and market position.
Adam aims to consistently demystify and empower those who work with him, to enable them to navigate with confidence the ever-changing and increasingly complicated world of brand, marketing, and consumer engagement.

“What I do is all very touchy-feely…
…or so people think!
Early on people start to understand there’s a science, finesse and process that drives my thoughts, suggestions and actions.
Sure, there’s an element of creative off-the-wall thinking, and that’s a lot of fun, but this is always firmly attached to the specific and strategic outcome that we’ve already got in mind.”
I need to point out
I don’t know all the answers, but I do know quite a few.
25+ years working as a Leading Creative in Advertising, Brand Building and Marketing, and Business Growth gives me ‘REAL’ knowledge of what makes a powerful business growth solution.
Passion for Developing Brands
The power to Catapult Brand…
Since I started focusing increasingly on brand rather than merely design, I’ve been fascinated with the power it holds within.
Over the years I’ve managed to ‘Bottle’ this ‘Gas’ developing an easy to follow process lifting the lid on how the ‘Big Players’ manipulate their brands and thus their consumers too.
Having great design and marketing is a good start, but if you can combine the Emotional Intelligence and Strategic Vision you need to generate a ‘Brand’, you’ll be creating something extraordinary.
Passion for Inspirational Business
Make your business ‘Shine’…
Let’s face it. There’s already too many ‘Me-To’ businesses out there all competing for the same customers and usually all supplying relatively generic products and services.
I believe we can be different by creating Brand & Marketing Strategies that not only lift my client’s businesses to the next level but ‘Catapult’ them beyond our wildest dreams.
I regularly interview clients and customers, and one of the repeating comments that come back is ‘He’s just so inspirational…”
This inspiration is a fundamental part of what I do and the reason behind the results I achieve.
Passion for Success
I love success stories…
I love it when people do well, especially when there’s a tale of overcoming adversity thrown in for good measure.
It’s true that Business Growth can sometimes fall into our laps, but why wait for that! I’m a believer in shaping our ‘Opportunities’ and ‘Manipulating Luck’.
I don’t know one of my clients that’s ‘Made it Big’ that doesn’t still work hard, push themselves, continually learn, and refuse to stand still.
9 times out of 10 success is a result of repeatedly ‘Getting it Right’, tirelessly ‘Learning when it goes Wrong’, and continually ‘Striving to be Better’. Luck has very little to do with it! We create our Success.
Passion for Passion
Loving what you do is not an option…
At this moment in time when adversity seems to be at every turn, work with people who share that ‘Can Do’ attitude and power-on regardless is a privilege.
We all started out in business driven by a passion to achieve something specific. That could be wealth, invention, life choice, there are just too many ‘drivers’ to mention.
The commonality between them all is there was ‘Passion’. Over the years this ‘Passion’ might reduce, the day to day involvement reduces our ‘Love’ for what we do, and that’s a real shame.
Being passionate about your business or service is a crucial driver behind creating success. It’ll generate more energy around you, this energy is infectious and is a fundamental differentiator between ‘Good’ and ‘Great’.
Passion is key to me; maybe it should be for you too. Thanks for your time…