Online Catapult Coaching for Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Decision Makers and Senior Leaders
NOTE: Catapult Coaching used be called ‘Trusted Advisor’. We’re in the middle of updating our resources, so please bear with us.
It's exhausting trying to guess what's going to happen next...
It's also terrifying that others look to you for the answer; however, that's the role of a leader and entrepreneur, isn't it!
You just need to find a credible source of knowledge, experience, and inspiration, along with a safe and caring nature that senses when things are getting tough, or something deeper is at play.
Well, maybe you've just stumbled across a solution and way to navigate through these increasingly uncertain times. Keep reading; you might just like what you find.

Maybe it's time to be brave,
dig deep and push hard...
What is Catapult Coaching?
And what makes it so powerful?
For years I've had 2 coaches! Why?
One is a great business coach, intense, high energy, action-based and pushes me to implement and act on strategy, making me an increasingly more productive and effective tool.
The other works with me on mindfulness, awareness, self-development, transformation and deep work to make me a more connected soul. And there's a world of other benefits that come with this work too.
The beauty is that it feeds both sides of what I think many people are missing or searching for. The tricky bit is that often these 2 coaches contradict each other. The advice initially conflicts and doesn't seem to fit well together. It's not surprising, as they've both very different ideas of what success looks like, and I like both. They're so different that I know if they ever met, they simply wouldn't understand each other. It's not that they wouldn't like each other; they would simply struggle to find a shared space.
The result is that I have to spend time sitting and thinking about how I can get both visions to align and become congruent; get them to play well with each other, and ultimately make sense to me, those around me, and those that I work with and for, all while helping me work towards my vision, goals and dreams.
However... I didn't want you to go through that, so I created Catapult Coaching.
Catapult Coaching is a hybrid of softer coaching blended with decades of business growth, experience, knowledge and strategy.
The result is powerful, aligned, congruent, strategic and implementable, which powers deep and sustainable personal change and transformation.
Are you ready to Catapult?
I'm sure you'll have a fond memory of finding a solution or being told some information that changed everything for you. Well, Catapult Coaching is designed to give you that regularly. Not only that, but it's not going to happen by chance this time; it's going to be purposeful, dynamic, specific and targeted to ensure we uncover, strategise and achieve whatever we focus on.
Adam's never been a 'Yes Man'; he's always thrived when pushing himself and others around him to be better than they thought possible. With care, Adam will guide, push and support you through the hard times, and be there to motivate and drive hard towards the good ones.
Most consultants scratch at the surface data, look at some figures, ask a few typical questions, and use the same playbook as a solution. That doesn't happen here; we'll go deep! This is where the magic lies, where being brave is rewarded, and where you'll find what you've been looking for. Whether it's finding something that was lost or uncovering something you never knew existed.
Sometimes coaching can leave you with more questions than answers, Catapult Coaching may still do that now and again, but it's also got a solid foundation in practical, implementable, and results-driven advice and accountability.
We find ourselves in an increasingly chaotic world, which has negatively affected almost everyone in some way. Realigning your career or business to your 'true self' has never been more critical. Brave, caring, and compassionate work will help you realign with your passions, visions, goals and dreams. Then it's time to achieve them.
When you carefully blend inspired coaching with decades of consultative advice, the results can unlock exciting worlds of new and rejuvenated possibilities.
One-to-One Coaching with your Trusted Advisor, Mentor and Confidant
You could be the CEO, an owner-manager, or even a senior leader within a larger organisation; being at the top of the tree isn’t always fun; it can be regularly hard, unpleasant and stressful, never mind lonely.
Talking to your colleagues isn’t always appropriate, and equally, taking it all home and getting solid entrepreneurial advice and support isn’t what your family and friends signed up for and almost certainly won’t be their strength.
Having a trusted advisor that’s bought-in, on your side, and not afraid to challenge or push you is a valuable string to your bow in the ever-changing world of business, brand, marketing, consumer attraction and retainment, staff, home and life in general.
Having someone on your side who also gets the deeper emotional elements of what we go through as a leader is exceedingly powerful. Adam does all of the above and more.

I'm Adam
“What I do is all very touchy-feely…
…or so people think!
Early on, people start to understand there’s a science, finesse and process that drives my questions, challenges, thoughts, suggestions and actions.
Sure, there’s an element of creative off-the-wall thinking, and that’s a lot of fun, but this is always firmly attached to the specific and strategic outcome we aim for.”
what people say…
Is Catapult Coaching right for you?
Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and Senior Leaders have been trusting me with their deepest fears, challenges, and opportunities for decades.
My caring and thoughtful process extracts and highlights the next steps you're already ready to take; you might just not know what they are yet!
If you're a passionate, driven professional looking to make a positive transformation to your life, business, career and those around you, then Catapult Coaching is going to be the best thing you could do.
If you're already thinking this could be for you, then it probably is...
Act now and book your free discovery call.
These might answer some of the other questions you might have.
Like anything in life, you will get out of this coaching what you put into it. The results you get are mainly up to you being brave enough to share, going deep enough to challenge yourself, and focused enough to make the shifts needed to achieve the goals and opportunities our work uncovers and places before you. What is guaranteed is my promise to always support you in the best way I know how, and to share my ongoing learning, knowledge and strategies with you when they are relevant. It’s this promise that’s helped so many before you and is waiting for you too.
The honest answer is no, but don’t let that put you off reaching out. This honesty is paramount and why I can boast of coaching clients who’ve been with me for over 10 years. I love my coaching work and enjoy working with passionate, driven, kind and respectful people. If you feel you’ve got those basic traits, then chances are I’ll happily work with you, as long as I have the capacity. The only time I’d say no to someone I like is if they simply aren’t ready, or it would be better for them to use their time and resources elsewhere to get a better result, depending on what they’re facing and what they’re trying to achieve. I’ve only needed to do this a few times, and most, in time, returned and began coaching, but only when it was a good fit and the right time for where they were on their journey.
The short answer is no, I don’t believe in that way of working. If it’s not working for you, then you need to stop and re-think (and I’ll happily help you do that too). Coaching isn’t for everyone, although I’ll try to ensure it’ll be a good fit before we even start. That said, I always suggest trying to mentally commit to at least 3 sessions; that way, you’ll get a feel for it and have the time to implement some of the strategies and shifts we might discuss. Whatever happens, you’re always completely free to stop our sessions whenever you like.
Although I have many long-term coaching clients, I also accept clients who only need me for a short while (maybe to sort out something specific). This means there is usually a steady flow of openings for new clients to start. It might not be straight away, but I always try to keep a level of capacity open to allow people to begin quickly.
It’s always wise to consider at what point it’s safe to share. Of course, sharing your journey with those close to you is important; however, remember that some of your sessions will uncover challenges and opportunities that might scare those around you. Interestingly, those that are closest to us can also be the ones that hold us back the most, not because they’re actively trying to, in fact, quite the opposite; they love us and simply don’t want us to get hurt. They might not have an entrepreneurial mindset, so they might be risk-averse or simply not be able to even see a vision that you can with increasing clarity.
If you've still got questions that we haven't answered,
don't hesitate to ask when you Book your Discovery Call.

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Discovery Call
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