The Fizzy Tarte - Naming, Branding and Strategic Positioning
Once we had come up with a name that not only fitted the offering perfectly and equally hadn’t been used anywhere before, (allowing us to easy trademark it), we set about creating the aesthetic and marketing style to create a teaser trailer type drip feed into the market.

Brand Naming
Brand Identity
Collateral Design
Brand Environments
Once we had come up with a name that not only fitted the offering perfectly and equally hadn’t been used anywhere before, (allowing us to easy trademark it), we set about creating the aesthetic and marketing style to create a teaser trailer type drip feed into the market. This was hugely successful and boasted a large social media following and email marketing list well before the doors even opened.
It’s this kind of thought and time spent on a project from the outset that gives the project and business the ability to be profitable from day one of opening, and it’s a project that proves everything we talk about it is possible.
Brief: When an existing client comes back time and time again, you know you’re doing something right, and once again we were involved right from the start which this time was the Brand Naming. It was their first step into the food and beverage side of the hospitality sector. Not an area that is easy or forgiving if you get it wrong.
As usual, we spent a lot of time with the client talking through their goals and aspirations for what they wanted to create. Understanding the proposition and audience type was vital in making this a success, and so we spent a good deal of time working through the brand strategy, positioning and offering to ensure the maximum chance of success.